Saturday, August 31, 2013

Smart Diapers....solution for parents!

“I was driving with my wife and daughter one day, when my wife asked if the baby had wet herself,” said Yaroslav Faybishenko, Pixie’s founder. “I realized she was sitting in data.”. This is how “Pixie Scientific” venture of smart diapers started.

According to the New York Times, this revolutionary diaper can detect possible urinary tract infections, kidney dysfunctions, and dehydration, as well as the more common indicator that the baby has pooped itself. Oppose to what you may think, the technology is not very complicated.  This diapers have a small patch at the front with four colored squares; each of them react differently when they are in contact with certain proteins, water content or bacteria. If an abnormal reaction occurs, the squares will change colors, notifying the parents that something might be off with their baby’s health.

In order to be able to read the diaper information the company has create a smartphone app that takes a picture, makes a precise reading, and can transmit the information to a physician. 

Even though the cost of these diapers will be 30% more than regular ones the owners of “Pixie Scientific” are very enthusiastic that it will become popular product.

On the other hand, some big companies as Huggies are working in similar products and they have already launched a device called "Tweepee" that clips to the diaper and alerts parents through smartphones when babies need to be changed and when diapers are running low.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Stay with Music!

The times of guys hanging out on the street with a cassette recorder have faded, but the idea to hang with music and share it with others is still alive. Thus, a small New York based design studio Ray Kingston Inc. has developed a wireless speaker that is able to be worn on sneakers.

Ray Kingston Inc., who initially concentrated on the interplay between fashion accessories, urban art, and music created a device that can be easily paired with mobile phones and iPads through Bluetooth. The battery-powered Sneaker Speaker is held in place with either one or two straps, which can be moved into different positions around the wearer's ankle.

At the same time, when not being worn, it can be connected using a stereo jack thanks to AC input.

The founder of the young company, Ray Kingston, worked for fourteen years as product designer at Sony. For his first independent project he decided to use street-art as a way to express emotions, feelings and life struggles.

This is how he describes the device:
“The Sneaker Speaker is the first creation within a new trend in which various forms of street-art are combined, both visually as well as musically. This fashionable and unique design speaker is originally developed for providing inspiration during creative processes. Never before were we able to bring our favorite music with us in such a way, that it reflects our identity whilst sharing it with others”.