Sunday, July 21, 2013

The next big thing

Per Wikipedia, wearable technology is clothing or accessories that incorporate computer and advanced electronic technologies. The design incorporates practical functions and features, but may also have a purely critical or aesthetic agenda.

Analysts from Credit Suisse suggest that wearable technology is going to be the next big thing in the technology space. Their latest data on the topic note that it could amount to a $50 billion dollar industry in the next 3-5 years. That pales in comparison to the much larger smartphone or tablet markets today, but imagine the possibilities. What if all of the sudden you could dictate text messages to a wristband while seeing a visual display of responses on the inside of your bluetooth enabled glasses. Google Glass is taking us there sooner than we think.

Currently the wearable tech space is focused on the health and fitness sector. The report, which is referenced by several sources on the web (but hard to find in it's original form) comes out of their semiconductor analyst desk. Think, the processing chips for this new sector will have to be innovative, affordable, and durable, hence these analyst's interest. On the Credit Suisse website they go into some of the potential uses and sectors which wearable technology could have an impact. In brief, the marketing potential and information that your clothing could share with the designer or manufacturer may soon be limitless. Auto or health insurance companies might build technology into your seatbelt to track your use of it, speed, etc.

Wearable technology certainly isn't new. GPS watches have been around for a while. The head gear worn by the Predator in the 1987 Schwarzenegger classic is a perfect example of wearable technology. This shows we have been dreaming these things up for generations, but it seems as if it is about to become mainstream.

In the coming months we'll share with you many innovative examples of products and ideas that you may see or wear in the coming years. Stay tuned! In the meantime watch out for Predator.

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